Little Cigars

The name of Vaquero little Cigars means much

For several millennia, cigars have been rolled and enjoyed all over the world. For some it is a symbol of power and money, others see the Vaquero little Cigars as an outcry for freedom and enjoyment. The tobacco plant must be grown with great care and love until it can be harvested according to a certain system. The tobacco in cigars decides everything. Quality, appearance and taste depend on the planting of the nicotine-rich green. After drying and fermentation, the tobacco can be processed into a cigar.

There are three components for perfect Vaquero little Cigars.
This always consists of three components – a tobacco insert, for which cut or whole leaves of one or more tobacco plants are used, usually determines the country of origin of the luxury food. In addition, a binder that holds the support together and supports it must not be missing, as well as a cover sheet that is precisely cut and processed by cigar rollers. The cover sheet is usually of the best quality and has a beautiful appearance, as it is the figurehead of Vaquero little Cigars. Not to be forgotten is the waist band, which adorns every cigar and gives it an elegant appearance and individual touch.

In order for cigars to bear the Vaquero little Cigars name, they have to meet certain criteria. As with all products that enjoy a good reputation, Vaquero little Cigars are counterfeited and misuse the name. The most important trademark is of course the origin. Because only there, there are the climatic conditions and the special soil conditions that make the best tobacco in the world grow. The second quality feature is the fact that all components of Vaquero little Cigars, the insert, the binder and the cover, come from one country. Such Vaquero little Cigars are also called puros (the Spanish word for “pure”), because only tobacco that comes from one and the same country – that is, Cuba – is used to manufacture them.