As a cigar enthusiast, I have always been intrigued by the smaller, but no less flavorful, cigars known as little cigars. These petite smokes may not be as well-known as their larger counterparts, but they definitely hold their own in terms of taste and enjoyment.
So what exactly are little cigars? Simply put, they are smaller, slimmer and milder versions of traditional cigars. While a typical cigar can range from 5 to 8 inches in length, little cigars usually measure around 3 to 4 inches. And unlike traditional cigars that are made entirely of whole leaf tobacco, little cigars may also use a blend of tobacco fillers, making them more affordable and accessible.
One of the main reasons why I love little cigars is their convenience. As someone who enjoys a good smoke on the go, these smaller cigars are perfect for those times when I only have a short window of time to relax. They can easily fit into a pocket or purse, making them easy to carry and enjoy whenever the mood strikes. Plus, there is no need to cut or punch the end like with regular cigars, as they usually come with a pre-cut tip or a plastic filter that can simply be removed.
But don’t let their small size fool you, little cigars still pack a punch when it comes to flavor. They come in a variety of blends, from mild to full-bodied, and feature a wide range of flavors such as vanilla, cherry, and chocolate. This makes it easy to find a little cigar that suits your palate and mood.
One of my personal favorites is the Swisher Sweets Little Cigars. These little cigars have been around since the late 1800s and have become a staple for many cigar enthusiasts. They come in a wide range of flavors, including regular, menthol, cherry, and peach, and offer a smooth and mellow smoke every time.
Another great option for little cigars is the Al Capone Little Cigarillos. These hand-rolled cigarillos are made with 100% natural tobacco and come in a variety of blends such as bourbon, rum, and cognac. They offer a sweet and aromatic smoke that is perfect for those looking for a more flavorful experience.
Not only do little cigars offer variety in terms of flavors, but they also come in different shapes and sizes. Some have a straight, traditional shape while others are rolled into a cylindrical shape. There are also little cigars that are cigarillo shaped with a slight curve, making them perfect for holding in your mouth.
One thing to keep in mind when trying out little cigars is that they are usually meant to be smoked without inhaling. The smaller size of the cigar does not allow for the same draw as a regular cigar, so taking deep inhales can result in a harsh and unpleasant experience. Instead, savor the flavor by taking gentle puffs and allowing the smoke to linger in your mouth.
Little cigars also tend to burn at a quicker pace than traditional cigars. This can be a plus for those who are short on time, but it also means that you may need to relight your cigar more often. To prevent this, make sure to light your little cigar evenly and rotate it while smoking to ensure an even burn.
One thing to note about little cigars is that they are often mistaken for cigarettes. While they may look similar, they are not the same. Cigarettes are made with a blend of paper and tobacco, while little cigars are made entirely of tobacco. This means that they offer a fuller and more complex flavor than a cigarette.
In terms of price, little cigars tend to be more affordable than traditional cigars. This makes them a great option for those who are just starting to explore the world of cigars or for those who are looking for a budget-friendly option. They are also a great alternative for those who want to enjoy the experience and flavor of a cigar without committing to a full-sized smoke.
So the next time you are looking for a quick and flavorful smoke, don’t bypass the little cigars. They may be small in size, but they definitely pack a punch when it comes to taste and convenience. With a wide variety of flavors to choose from and their affordable price, little cigars are a great addition to any cigar lover’s collection. Give them a try and see for yourself why they are the hidden gem in the world of cigars. Happy smoking!