Little Cigars

Don Tomas little cigars from Senior Gonzalez

The name of Don Tomas little cigars was gained by new stogies just in 2015, until that time they had been created under the Dos Gonzalez brand for a long time. The Don Tomas little cigars owe their name to Felix Gonzalez, a stogie and tobacco authority who worked dependably at General Cigar, an individual from the STG, for more than 30 years. To him, smokers owe a ton to aggregating tobacco packs for a significant number of their preferred brands, including Macanudo. The witticism of Gonzalez’s die hard commitment to the tobacco business is: “On the off chance that you need to realize how great tobacco is, you need to contact it and feel it.” In 2011, he out of nowhere passed on in his 59th year of life, at that point they were considered, and after a year stogies were discharged in his respect. A year prior, it was chosen to safeguard the adored stogie mix, so in the new Don Tomas little cigars, contorted in a plant in Santiago, in the Dominican Republic, we again observe a modest quantity of tobacco from the Dominican Republic.

The Dominican leaf is available just in the filler; it is blended there with Mexican tobacco. A fastener sheet was brought from Connecticut and a stogie finished with a spread sheet of Sumatran seeds developed in Ecuador. Therefore, Don Tomas little cigars showed up startlingly brilliant in cool smoking, with splendid lush fruity tones and even notes of espresso and earth during smoking.

Don Tomas little cigars – Robusto “10

A fascinating stogie with a smooth advancement, creating based on lush woody shades of fragrance. Slowly, espresso tones, smells of earth and espresso are showed, the woody segment of taste creates.

Don Tomas little cigars – Rothschild “10

In the uncomplicated taste of this stogie, light fiery notes with a scarcely recognizable sweetness initially show up, after which shades of dry grass are uncovered, transforming into tones of chocolate, espresso and wood. This is an incredible ordinary decision.

Don Tomas little cigars Clasico is an arrival to the first Don Tomas brand, created before the stogie blast of the 90s. The great Honduran cause of tobacco is ensured. These stogies offer a rich, delicate and delectable smoking procedure.