Little Cigars

Djarum little cigars with an interesting taste that originally showed up in 1880

Djarum little cigars are a brand of unique clove stogies surely understood for its excellent taste and perceived for its flawless quality.

Each of Djarum little cigars is made from an extraordinary blend of lasting tobacco with notes of fascinating flavors and fiery cloves. This extraordinary taste was made in 1880.

Since their first showcasing and introduction in the capital of Cretec, the Djarum little cigars brand has kept on giving genuine epicureans the smell of dazzling cigarillos with cloves.

Just Djarum little cigars make such a significant number of unmistakable, captivating smells and flavors, every one of which is exceptionally made to suit your temperament.

Djarum little cigars are regular natural things, the generation of which totally disposes of the concoction impact on tobacco or the expansion of any polluting influences, additives, reagents and flavorings.

The Djarum little cigars may well supplant some other tobacco items, since they have a superb taste on account of an extraordinary blend of cloves and tobacco, however fundamentally contrast from the Cuban or Caribbean stogies. These are the primary cigarillos with cloves on the planet, and accordingly are a genuine present for genuine experts.

A painstakingly chosen mix of Indonesian, Cuban and Brazilian tobacco, top-quality Indonesian cloves – this is the thing that makes Djarum little cigars, alongside a focused value, the undisputed champ in this class of stogies.

The creation procedure starts with a cautious choice of crude materials. The primary creation materials are tobacco and cloves handled during the Djarum protected assembling procedure to deliver super-fine cloves. Cloves and tobacco are blended under severe control, extra parts are added to them. At that point the blend is enveloped by a wrapping sheet, and bundled.

The key elements of Djarum little cigars are cloves and normal flavor sauce. These cigarettes are a well known brand name kretek (at any rate 1/3 loaded up with clove petals). 66% of the fixings in the sauce relax the cloves and the flavor of tobacco. Djarum little cigars are a customary Indonesian kretek without a top notch channel with organoleptic properties.