Little Cigars

Cohiba little cigars are usually the result of stronger tobacco products

The small-format Cohiba little cigars are the perfect smoke for loversof Cuban cigars who want to enjoy typical Cuba flavors in short breaks. In addition to the typical Cohiba Club, Cohiba little cigars and Cohiba White Cohiba little cigars, the Puritos format friends also
offer an alternative with their popular Cohiba short fillers. The Cohiba Club in the simple humidor, a wooden box that is equipped with a moistening system and gives you the opportunity to let your Cohiba little cigars ripen stylishly for some time before enjoying them are
particularly popular. The lines of the Cohiba little cigars complement the well-known and popular product range of Cohiba cigars with small-format smokes, which offer you the full taste of Cuba even in short smoking breaks.

Cuban small format Puros with a big sister of world renown Cohiba is considered the Cuban cigar brand among many cigar smokers. Numerous celebrities like to be photographed with Cohiba little cigars, the brand was initially only available as a gift for statesmen
from the Cuban government. But it is not only because of this shortage of marketing tricks that Cuban cigars are so popular: Cohiba little cigars are of outstanding quality and undergo strict quality control. The handmade cigars are – even if Cuba is no longer perceived as the
only cigar nation – one of the best that is available on the world market. The Cohiba little cigars are more affordable and easier to deliver than the popular large-format cigars. Similarly good taste, due to the format, of course, with less space to give the flavors the
opportunity to develop, as they are popular with Cuban cigar fans for the short break in between.

Tobacco from the world’s best tobacco region. Just like the big Cohibas, Cohiba little cigars are made from 100% Cuban tobacco. Such homogeneous tobacco blends are called Puros in the cigar world. Cuban Puros are usually the result of stronger tobacco
products than those from the Dominican Republic. The Cohiba White cigarillos in particular offer a strong, but at the same time mild smoking pleasure that fits perfectly with afternoon coffee. The tobacco used comes from the Vuelta Abajo region, which is generally considered the source of the best tobacco in the world.