Little Cigars

Our recommendations will help you find your Directors Club little cigars

Each cigar starts with a small handful of seeds, which by the end of the season develop into large plants with aromatic leaves. After harvest, the drying and sorting process begins.

Directors Club little cigars are made from three components: a cover sheet, a binder sheet, and a filling.
Tasters say that if a cigar is rolled by a person in a bad mood, this can affect its taste. For this reason, funny music is played in the room during the rolling, and the workers are entertained with humorous performances.

To choose quality Directors Club little cigars, your five senses come in handy:
Vision. The color of the shell is an important factor by which you can learn a lot about a given cigar.

How the tobacco was grown: in the shade or in the sun. The plant grown in the sun is darker.
Which part of the plant is used: lower, middle or upper leaves. The upper leaves are darker.
Fermentation Period: The longer the leaf ferments, the darker it gets.
Touch. Feel the texture of the cigar with your thumb and forefinger. It should be firm to the touch. Don’t go for brittle cigars or cracked cigars.

Smell. Take a deep breath of the rich aroma coming out of the cigar box.
Hearing. Roll the cigar near your ear. This process will give you clues to the quality and structure of Directors Club little cigars.
Intuition. Do you have a desire to opt for this cigar.
Additional factors influencing the choice:
Length of smoking time. Choose Directors Club little cigars according to the time you want to smoke.
Price. Directors Club little cigars are the best in the world and are in high demand, for this reason the price level is above average.
We hope our recommendations will help you find your Directors Club little cigars!