Little Cigars

La Flor Dominicana little cigars of the wedded couple Litto Gomez

La Flor Dominicana little cigars are the world-renowned “creation” of the wedded couple Litto Gomez and his spouse Ines. Litto Gomez is one of the most acclaimed stogie experts of present day times. In only 15 years, La Flor Dominicana little cigars have increased overall ubiquity. First exhibited in 2001, this brand immediately won the affection and acknowledgment of good tobacco fans from around the globe, getting one of the most renowned and lofty tobacco marks in the Dominican Republic.

At the main colleague, La Flor Dominicana little cigars are agreeably astounding with the extravagance and equalization of taste. Tobacco, which is utilized for filling and shaping a folio sheet, is developed without anyone else ranches in the Gomez family, and its quality is carefully constrained by Litto Gomez himself. Tobacco and Ecuador tobacco developed from seeds reaped on the island of Sumatra are utilized as a spread sheet in the assembling of La Flor Dominicana little cigars.

This mix of tobacco leaves gives La Flor Dominicana tobacco items a one of a kind, interesting bundle, which has just been valued by enthusiasts around the globe. Most surveys of cigarillos of this brand essentially incorporate such designations as “unordinary”, “non-minor” taste, “thick” or “extremely soaked” smell – and this is just a little piece of the characteristics that these great, affectionately contorted little stogies have.

As per the level of immersion of taste and smell, La Flor Dominicana little cigars can legitimately be ascribed to smaller than normal stogies. There are five kinds of these cigarillos at a bargain today.

La Flor Dominicana little cigars – Carajos Natural have a normal quality and have a lovely, medium-soaked regular taste, in which zesty notes are unmistakably followed. These cigarillos can be securely prescribed to amateurs of enthusiast. The cigarillos design – length 102 mm and breadth 34 RG (13.5 mm) – makes them ideal for brisk smoking with some espresso.

La Flor Dominicana little cigars Carajos Maduro are dull stogies with Ecuadorian spread leaf. Their taste can be depicted as more grounded (contrasted with the Natural rendition) and to some degree progressively extraordinary.